About the Founder
Althea Devenish has been a Christian for over 31 years and was ordained in 2009 by Dr. Bill Basansky. She has a son, a grandson, and many spiritual children. She took her first mission trip to Israel in 2001. Then in 2004, she visited Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota where she had an opportunity to minister to the people. It was after those two trips that she felt called as a missionary to the nations.
Since that time she has taken mission trips to Fiji, Africa, North, South, and Central America, the Caribbean, India, and Europe. As a Pharmacist, she has had the privilege of leading medical missions in some of those countries.
Ms. Devenish has been a resident in Colorado for the past 4 years. There she attended Charis Bible College where she obtained a Master's Degree in Divinity.

"Learn to do right! Seek justice, relieve the oppressed, and correct the oppressor. Defend the fatherless, plead for the widow. Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land;"
Isaiah 1:17-19(AMPC)
Least Of These International
Least Of These International, INC. (LOTI), a 501(c)3 ministry founded by Ms. Althea Devenish, is based in Tallahassee, Florida. In 2017 she was instrumental in starting a medical clinic in Lusaka, Zambia by working with a US organization that supplied one-half of a container of medical equipment and supplies. After completing her studies at Charis Bible College in 2019, she did a medical mission in Swaziland. While there she was made aware of an autoclave needed for a medical laboratory owned and operated by the ministry with which she was affiliated. In February 2020, she donated funds to help purchase the autoclave. That summer, she spent a month in Belarus. During her visit, she was deeply moved by the needs of some of the children. Later that year she purchased a heating system for a Home for Children.
In 2021, with the help of devoted financial partners, a home was built and presented to a mother and her two children in Las Maderas, Nicaragua. When the keys were handed over, they were all elated and thankful for their simple, yet beautiful home. In February 2022, five sewing machines were donated to a ministry in the Congo to help train girls in fashion and design. This apprenticeship skill would enable them to establish their own businesses in the future. In the summer of 2022, she went with a mission team to Europe. There were 85 salvations, 9 baptisms in the Holy Spirit, 1 deliverance, and 9 healings (one of which was a young woman with cerebral palsy who was bound in a wheelchair. After praying with her she got up and started to dance with the flashmob).
Ms. Devenish is a strong supporter of giving into her future by investing in the kingdom of God. Throughout the years she has financially supported many ministries that are instrumental in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Currently, she is helping in the construction of student housing at a Bible College.
On March 3, 2022, while seeking the Lord, He spoke to her about starting a ministry that would bring him "Great Joy." After much prayer and consulting with those whom He advised her to, Least Of These Intl' was birthed. God has put a deep desire in her heart to build houses or provide housing in different nations for those in need. God has also renewed her vision for continuing Medical Missions around the world.
Over the years she has seen the hand of God move in every area of her life as she obeys and fulfills His call. She prays that the Lord will speak to you about becoming a prayer or financial partner of LOTI so that we can work together to build HIS KINGDOM serving those considered to be the LEAST.
Don't forget to check out the gallery. There you will see photos and testimonies from previous mission trips where people's lives have been touched and ministered to all around the world.